Friday, September 1, 2006

Do you ever feel out of synch?

In his book, The Biology of Transcendence, Joseph Chilton Pearce discusses, among other things, how the millions of “frequency entrained” heart cells together create an electromagnetic field known as the heart energy.

I found his writings on this subject particularly interesting because the work we do with clients utilizing Network Spinal Analysis and Somato-Resiratory Integration is based on exactly the principles Pearce illustrates.

He describes how a single heart cell placed under a microscope will pulsate evenly for a time before it eventually fibrillates and dies. When a second cell, also fibrillating, is placed in spatial proximity, the two cells actually stop fibrillating and resume their regular pulsing in synchrony with each other.

The fact that the two cells weren't touching indicates the presence of a field that appears to transform disorder into order, entraining to the rhythm of life. Pearce goes on to talk about the concept of entrainment:

When brain and heart frequencies entrain, they enter a synchronous, resonant, or coherent wave pattern. Though rare in adults, such entrainment is critical to full development of our human nature, and new research is revealing how this can be achieved. In the example opening this chapter, entrainment between two heart cells lifted them from chaos into order. The same entrainment of heart frequencies occurs between mother and infant during breast-feeding and other close body contact. In a state of full frequency match, the body, brain, and heart produce a single coherent frequency pulse or wave form, and a similar resonance occurs between infant and mother.

The heart certainly has intelligence, though this calls for a new definition of the word to differentiate it from cerebral intellect. The heart's intelligence is not verbal or linear or digital, as is the intellect of our head, but rather is a holistic capability that responds in the interest of well-being and continuity, sending to the brain's emotional system an intuitive prompt for appropriate behavior. Intellect, however, can function independently from the heart – that is, without intelligence — and can take over the circuitry and block the heart's more subtle signals.

The procedure that someone in Network Care receives is called an entrainment. The entrainment is designed to help a person to release defensive patterning and synchronize with the body's peaceful inherent signals. In this care, the body actually develops respiratory and muscular waves that break the patterned responses dictated by the previously locked structure.

If someone is in defense, and a majority of people are, it is difficult if not impossible to overcome the survival-based logic of the intellect and fully connect with the wisdom of the heart.

Energy of unresolved events, stresses and perceptions held in the body limit our flexibility as well as our ability to pick up the subtle but important internal cues that help us adapt to an ever-changing environment.

Advanced Network Care is all about bringing greater awareness and connection with the heart rhythm. As the heart signal becomes more pronounced, individuals receiving care report being more fully able to make healthier choices for themselves, being more compassionate, vital, creative, self aware, and responsible to human culture.

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